Hi, I’m Michelle

The energy of people, places and objects is something that has always fascinated me since I was a small child. Reiki and EFT (Tapping) finally found me in my late thirties when I found myself feeling completely out of balance and in need of help, having experienced infertility and subsequently, embarking upon IVF. Infertility and the process of IVF really took its toll on me both mentally, emotionally and physically. I knew there were more answers and support to be found holistically and found some amazing therapists that guided me helped me to navigate my way through. Experiencing these therapies for myself was life-changing and something I felt compelled to share with as many people as I could.

I became a fully qualified practitioner in both Reiki and EFT and left my career in teaching. Studying and practising Reiki and EFT finally ‘joined all of the dots’ and allowed me to reach a greater understanding of the energetic vibrations within and around everyone and everything and the impact that these have on our health. Everything is energy and those attached to the emotions that we hold within ourselves can affect our health the most.

Having always had a natural affinity with the sea, the idea of any stuck or stagnant energy being akin to flotsam floating in the sea made total sense. Everything has a vibration, and we all have the ability to feel and sense it. When we are vibrating as we should, everything is in flow and our bodies and minds are functioning at their optimum level. However, if we have stagnant, lower vibrational energy in one or more area of our body, the natural flow is disrupted, and this can manifest itself in symptoms that can affect our physical and mental health or prevent us from moving forwards in our lives.

Both Reiki, EFT and Flower Essences work with stuck or stagnant lower vibrational energy, gently breaking it down or bringing it to the surface thus creating more balance and flow in the mind, body and soul.  Combined with gentle Root Cause questioning, we can uncover the emotional wound that is wanting to be revealed and the long-held limiting beliefs and emotions.  This begins a chain reaction of healing to be set in motion, the ripples of which, reaching far and wide into all areas of your life.